September 13, 2023
Retrograde Season, L$D Medicine, The Orisha Eshu & a Personal Note

Mercury is almost headed direct, we’re on the eve of a new moon, it’s officially shedding season and it’s got me in my BAG. This season of retrogrades has been pretty intense for us all and as a new mom in my 4th trimester– I’ve been in the flow of review and slowing down. This time off has allowed me to not only bond with my newborn but to look inside of myself deeply and to be intentional as to what this rebirth of myself can be like.
Baby Mila was born on the day that Venus went direct ( Sept 3rd) and with that energetic shift on a planetary level, my starseed came earthside and brought so much newness, hope and possibility with her. Venus retrograde was a long few months and it taught me about how I showed up in relationships on the collective level, in my friendships and work related associations– It was difficult for me to process it all as I was going deep into hermit mode to prepare for Mila. What I have been uncovering about myself through this Venus retrograde is that I can be a bit closed off and that sometimes my way of being private can be a detriment to how I actually want to connect with folx.
My 2 extremes of hermit mode to super social can be a lot to my nervous system and confusing to those around me lol (shout out to those of you who KNOW this about me and offer me grace in those moments of solitude). I know that big changes can’t always happen quickly, especially when they’re deep seeded but I do know that one of my most trusted tools of healing is to journal and express myself through written word– so here I am sharing bits of me and my journey with you all.
One thing that I have been reminded of constantly throughout the never ending road to healing, is that we’re all going through versions of the same pain and wounding– we’re all on this walk of life together and to share our experiences makes it a lot easier to walk this walk and to hold each other’s hands while we navigate.
My intention is to share some experiences that I’ve been moving through over the last few years and also share challenges that I’m working through as a new mom and healer. I’ll be sharing this through the lens of astrology (of course), plant medicines that have supported me and tools that have helped me integrate and process these experiences. I hope that this is helpful for those of you on your path or at least helps you to get to know me better–

The last new moon of the summer is coming through on Sept 14th. This new moon in Virgo who is ruled by Mercury, will bring energy to help us mend the past, offer clarity on our role in past situations and maybe, through deep reflection, show us how to move on, move forward and create change. In my spiritual path, Mercury and Virgo hold the ashe of the Orisha Eshu. Eshu is the Orisha who lives at the crossroads, he opens doors of communication and helps us to receive divine messages from the spirit realm. With this same energy, Mercury goes direct the following day on Sept 15th. Although these two astrological events are 1 day apart, we may be feeling the darkness of the moon and the last charge of retrograde hitting us quite hard as we lead up to it. Some of us (especially the mutable signs) may be feeling confused, overwhelmed and maybe finding it hard to say the right words… gentle with yourself.
It's all a test to see how much you can tap in and allow yourself grace to process and review before reacting.
To make this a little more murky, Neptune which is currently retrograde in Pisces will be opposite of the new moon- What does this mean?? It means that the dreamy, imaginary energy of Neptune may make reality feel difficult and make this review session feel like you’d rather do anyyything but face the facts. We may be getting lost in the sauce of our escape vices but likee…. Take a breath and feel your feels. It’s all going to pass.
Tapping in and processing our emotions and facing the hard moments will help us to find unique and authentic ways of transforming, opening our mind, finding new roadways to success and new ways of communicating.

This astro forecast has had me thinking a lot about the energetic medicine of L$D. L$D aka Lysergic acid diethylamide aka Acid was discovered in 1938 by Albert Hoffman. This psychedelic is a chemical compound that comes from a fungus found in tainted Rye plants called, Ergot. Ergot had been used in folk medicine for a looong time before Hoffman experimented with it. In larger doses, it can cause hysteria and death but in folk medicine, small doses were used by Midwives to cause contractions in pregnant folks, helping them to bring their children earthside more quickly and it was also used to stop extreme bleeding.

On an energetic level, L$D holds the properties of its mushroom origin, Ergot. It's a bit heady, airy, lofty and light. When folks interact with L$D they often experience a lightheartedness, creativity spark and ease with it, especially when they’re using a microdose. Through studies and anecdotal experiences, we’ve learned that lsd can help facilitate difficult conversations, allowing our hearts and minds to be open, to be airy, to be light and loving. As we move through this murky retrograde and Virgo season, this medicine can potentially help us tap into a more mercurian, communicatory version of ourselves- allowing us to observe rather than absorb difficult situations.
My personal favorite has been our l$d microdoze tinctures, I’m hella sensitive and a little bit goes a long way for me. I plan on starting a microd0se regimen with our tincture on the new moon– half a dropper in the AM along with breath work, candle lighting and prayer. As a new mom, an entrepreneur and a partner, my feels have been deeeep and my voice has been hard to find in moments. My hope is to tap in a bit and allow this medicine to remind me of the grace I can give myself too. I will keep you all updated on how thats going for me!!
Yes I am microd0sing, Yes I am breastfeeding and Yes my baby will be just fine. If you're interested in learning more about how plant medicines can affect your baby from being in utero to breastfeeding and beyond, check out my IG reel on bioavailability. It may help to demystify what plant medicine use can be like as a parent.
As always, please feel free to reach out to me with any questions! We’re on this path together and I’m here to help as much as I have the capacity to!
Tools and techniques that may be helpful during this time:
Breathwork (here is a great free video on how to get started)
Sitting at your altar or sacred space for meditation and prayer
Write letters to folks who you feel you may have a difficult time opening up to- even if you dont send the letter, get it off your chest and perhaps burn it afterward. This will help to transmute that energy into something positive.
Gratitude Lists
Movement (however that looks and feels good to you!)
You can find our microdse medicine for this month here in our Botanica Babes Menu- the products are available for pick up on weekends, for delivery on sundays (in NYC) and shipping every monday <3
Happy New Moon my loves, I hope you all find a moment to tap in and breathe <3